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 1. 支持Device Tree Overlay,可以动态加载设备树以支援不同设备;

 2. 使用Debian再发行工具生成rootfs,支持apt包管理器,有完整的Linux使用体验;

 3. 内核支持FPGA Manager接口;

 4. U-Boot和内核调试均开启;

 5. 裁剪自Xilinx官方维护的最新源码。


 1. 使用FPGA Manager接口(/sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/firmware)写入vivado直接生成的Bin文件可能超时;

 2. 默认启用设备树重载特性,启动时不加载FPGA Bitstream,板载FPGA Done LED可能不工作。

Umaru Xi


Some useful info:

  1. “root” user cannot directly login, please use “sudo” or “su”(passwd: “root”) after login with normal user;

  2. Default user name: “xi”, passwd: “xi”;

  3. Network interface: “ip”;

  4. Power control: “systemctl”(“systemctl poweroff”,”systemctl reboot”,etc);

  5. Default packages manager: “dpkg”,”apt”.

Files tree:


 Screenshot Some screenshot images.

  u-boot.jpg Example of u-boot bootloader running.

  kernel.jpg Example of kernel loaded.

  rootfs.jpg Example of Linux started.

  neofetch.jpg Example of neofetch shows the system info.

 SDImg Disk images which can directly flash into MMC card.

  Xibian_Lite_SD.img Xibian lite edition full(with bootloader) SD image.

 BOOT.img Partition image of bootloader(contains u-boot,device tree,kernel,FPGA bitstream, etc).

 Xibian_Lite.img Partition image of Xibian Linux(Lite Edition for ZYNQ XC7Z020).

 README.txt This file.


 u-boot:   u-boot screenshot

 kernel:   kernel screenshot

 rootfs:   rootfs screenshot

 neofetch:   neofetch screenshot